Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Croissants and Danish Espresso

I was right; I walked to the train station through lots of snow! It wasn't too deep (still much more than we get in NC!), but the paths to the station were covered and it was a little hard to find my way. I probably walked off the paths more than on, but I made it to the station! Here's the snow that I woke up to this morning:

After getting on the train, I pulled out my map to find the street that we were meeting on today. As it turned out, the street wasn't on my map at all! I was in freak out mode for half of the ride until I found some other DIS students who had printed out directions to the place. Orientation was about immersion today, but it was very long. The girl next to me slept through most of it, and I found myself nodding off a couple of times before jerking awake. Hopefully I won't be jet-lagged for long! 
After orientation I went to get my textbooks. I didn't realize how many I have (8 books for one class!) and had to lug them around the whole day. I went with a group to St. Peter's Bakery and got a chocolate croissant, which was amazing!!! They give DIS students a 20% off discount, so it was only 12 kroner! (a little over $2, which is very cheap for Copenhagen!) 

Then we went on a tour of the DIS buildings, which are pretty spread out over a block or two. They have a lot of lounges, which is nice. We got a long break after the tour, so I went to a coffee shop called The Living Room with Cyrus, McKayla, Molly, Liz, and Diana. The coffee isn't cheap, so I got the cheapest thing on the menu: espresso. Not exactly the American espresso I'm used to:

And yes, it is as strong as it looks! I didn't see a little bar or anything to add milk or sugar, so I just watered it down a little with my water bottle. It didn't help much! We hung out in the shop for a while, and it had a nice candlelit area with couches. I found out that Diana and I actually went to the same elementary school in Maryland, and we even had the same first grade teacher a year apart! Small world! 
We had another orientation session in the afternoon, but it was with our core classes this time. I'm in communication and media, and the group will be split between cross-cultural communication (journalism, which I'm in) and strategic communication (PR). We'll be going on different trips with our core class and spending most of our time with that group. My group is going to Sweden in February for 3 days and Belfast, Ireland for a week in March, and I'll actually be in Ireland for my birthday! 
I took the train back with Liz and another girl named Julie who actually live near me. Liz and I made plans to go to church on Sunday since there's one at her train stop. I walked back through the snow, and Maibritt made a Danish dish for dinner! It was pork meatballs with a curry sauce, which was delicious! 
Tomorrow is my last day of orientation, and classes finally start on Thursday! My earliest class is at 8:30, which won't be much fun with a 45 minute commute, but I'm pretty excited!

Things I've noticed about Denmark:

-There is graffiti EVERYWHERE! On trains, entry ways of stores, walls, doors, just everywhere! I don't know what any of it says, but it surprised me that there's more graffiti here than I've seen anywhere in the US.
-The first floor of buildings is 0, not 1. Basements and floors below are -1, -2, etc. Since the DIS buildings are narrow, there are only a few classrooms on each floor, so I'll be doing a lot of climbing!
-The streetlights turn yellow before they turn green as well as before they turn red. 


  1. What is Diana's last name? It is a small world! She may have been in your brownie troop or something! lol You had to go to Denmark to get reacquainted! Sounds like another great day in Denmark. XOX Stay warm! Love you!

  2. For your jet lag, try melatonin. It is a natural supplement that resets your clock. Sounds like you are adjusting to everything except the time difference. How many hours are you ahead of us here in Lumberton?

    Take care and continue to immerse yourself with the culture!

  3. Those pastries look SO good!! Hope you are having a great time in Denmark! Miss you! Can't wait to see you in March!! :)

  4. Mom- I think it's Jong. She said she remembered the Ollayos boys, but I couldn't think of anyone else in her grade that I would have known. I'm trying to stay warm! :)

    Mrs. Taylor- Ok, I'll look for that when I go grocery shopping tomorrow! I'm 6 hours ahead.

    Elena- Those pastries were VERY good ;) Miss you too!
