Friday, January 18, 2013

First Classes!

American blunder #2: I poured yogurt into my hot chocolate instead of yogurt last night... Quite an interesting taste! See if you can tell the difference between the yogurt and milk here! :) They come in the same container!

Classes started yesterday, and all of mine seem to be awesome so far! My first class yesterday was Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) at 8:30. With the 45 minute commute, I had to get up at 6:45... I missed my first train, so I had to run to my school and got there at 8:31. I think my professor might be an angel because she's going to push our class back to 8:45, AND the last 5 classes in April are canceled! We mainly talked about our study tour to Ireland and different assignments during the semester. My next class was Danish, which I'm pretty excited about. We learned the alphabet (the vowel sounds are similar to French) and how some letters sound (sometimes d has a th sound). It seems hard right now, but I'm excited to learn Danish!
I had a 3 1/2 hour break (so nice to relax!) before my International Reporting class. We'll have the opportunity to write articles for newspapers here (in English, thankfully!), so I'm really excited for that! 
Today my first class didn't start until 11:40 (thank goodness!). I had photojournalism first, which sounds like it's going to be an exciting class! I had Nordic Mythology next, and my professor looks like a Viking! Well, a very friendly Viking. He's really funny, and the class sounds like it's going to be fascinating! At the end of the semester, we actually get to sail on a Viking ship! I was telling a friend about it later, and I was fan-girling. Such a nerd! :)  
I came home after class and went grocery shopping with Maibritt. We went to Rema, which looked really similar to Aldi (which they also have here!). 

We got some food, and Maibritt made a Danish dish for dinner, pork and potatoes. The pork was kind of like a cross between bacon and pork chops, and it was delicious! Here's a picture: 

After dinner we went to Blika, which is like a Wal-Mart, where we got our lovely dessert! If you can't see it well, there's a raspberry whipped cream in the middle. :)

Now we're having a relaxing evening watching TV! I'm making homemade American pancakes (one of Maibritt's favourites!) for breakfast tomorrow! :)


  1. So much fun! Dot Wilkerson says hello and she is very happy to hear about your trip thus far. the desserts are so amazing looking! glad that my cholesterol is in check! ;) XOXO

  2. Tell her I said hi! I think I've been walking off all the calories and whatnot haha.

  3. Oh they were! You guys will have to get some when you come! :)
